Wet Rooms Edinburgh

wet_rooms_edinburghIf you are looking for a wet room in Edinburgh then PlumberEdinburgh.co.uk also specialise in this too. Wet rooms are becoming popular option in the UK and are now having a major impact on bathroom layout and design.

So what is a Wet Room?

A wet room is a bathroom where the shower or bath are level with the surrounding floor and there are no steps up or down into the shower. This allows freedom and ease of movement from shower to the floor.

If you are thinking of having a wet room, we will help you consider if whether having a tiled floor or if having a slight lip into the shower, thus reducing the cost of sealing the floor, is a better option for you. When planning a bathroom or wet room all of these points are important and thus need to be discussed with a professional company like PlumberEdinburgh.co.uk.

Call us today for a free quote for your bathroom and wet room needs – 01312616838